Current account deficit is the imbalance in nation's balance of payments current account when a country's government or firms import more goods and services than they export out. It is when a lot of money is flowing out of the country, the spending is made more on foreign goods and services rather than selling to the foreigners. current account deficit is meant when a country relies on foreigners for the capital to invest and spend.
The deficit in net income in which country exports dividends on stock or wages paid to the foreign workers in the country. If all the payments made to foreign workers are higher than the wages and dividends made by workers then, deficit will increase. the demand for local goods will increase if deficit is caused by an increase in the demand for imported goods. This will result in a fall in national income and an increase in unemployment. Thus, deficit in current account occurs.
Countries with current account deficit are normally countries that spends largely. The country's business cannot expand unless they borrow from outsiders, foreigners. However, this can only work if the country looks wealthy and if it looks like they are able and willing to pay back the loans. The borrower and the lender are said to be in a win-win situation. This is because the lender also exports goods and services to the borrowers. This way, lender can manufacture more goods and provide more jobs to more of its people.
In short-run, the current account deficit is said to be advantageous. Foreigners are willing to pump in capital and boost a country's economic growth. However, in long-run, foreigners will start doubting in their investments and may have low business confidence if the country's demand is still low. If the demand is getting lower, the national currency will gradually lose its value then, the value of asset in the foreign investors will decrease too. This will cause the demand for country's asset to be less. Thus, causing investors to stop investing.
The current account deficit cause as depreciation of exchange rate. When import is more than export, there will be less demand for country's currency. Therefore, the exchange rate will lower down. Lower exchange rate causes an exchange for less foreign goods than before with same currency. However, the depreciation rate by the current account deficit is said will improve a current account if the combined elasticity of the demand of exports and imports add up is more than 1. Demand have to be very inelastic and unresponsive to the price change then only it is advantageous.
In conclusion, current account deficit means the outflow of money of the country is more than the inflow of money of the country. Current account deficit can also be said as the imbalance in nation's balance of payment current account. Government and firms should import less goods and boost exports to improve their current account.